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DNN_Tailwind is a powerful theme development platform that allows you to create robust and responsive DNN website themes, all while writing very little css.

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Dev Dependencies


From the website: “Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js’ package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.”


Where npm set the groundwork for a package system, it falls short in many aspects. Yarn, the successor to Bower, helps manage packages with ease. Quick, secure, and reliable, Yarn is the front-runner for package management.


Gulp is what we use to automate the painful stuff. error checking, compressing, minifying, zipping, anything you hate doing over and over, there’s probably a way to automate it using Gulp and it’s plethora of plugins.


Forget about making sure you add -webkit- and other prefixes. This plugin automatically adds all the prefixes necessary for all the major browsers and versions.


Allows for easy deletion of files. We use it to get rid of temporary files created when building packages.


Allows for simple minification of CSS.


Nicely compresses images as small as possible while maintaining quality. We don’t use this in our main tasks, but is still available because we believe it is a necessary tool for a lot of theme creation.


Checks javascript for errors and lets you know what’s wrong.


Helps show messages in the node command line console.


Used to rename files.


Replaces string values within files. Not currently used, but will possibly be used in future releases of nvQuickTheme.


A plugin that helps minify all the things. Since our sass plugin already does that for us, we use this to minify our javascript.


Just like it sounds, this zips files. This is used in our theme packaging task to help create the resource files for DNN.


PostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins, such as postcss-import, postcss-nested, postcss-simple-vars.


gulp tuned version of postcss


Allows you to structure your css into multiple files, and then include them in your main css via the @import rule.


Allows you to use Sass-style nested rules in your standard css. It will unwrap the nested rules during the build process.


Allows you to use Sass-like variables in your standard css rules.